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Toledo Museum of Art: Map and Guide

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Written and designed to respond to visitor curiosity about Toledo's art collection, this guide focuses on 70 of the most important and popular works of art in the collection. Some masterpieces receive single treatment; others are grouped to explore themes. Detail illustrations and special information are boxed to take A Closer Look or to explain Art Techniques, Art Styles, and Conservation Notes.

Works include outstanding paintings and sculptures by Cézanne, Cole, Degas, Gainsborough, van Gogh, Holbein, Kiefer, Miró, Monet, Picasso, Rembrandt, and Rubens; masterworks from classical antiquity and Asia; decorative arts; and highlights from the world-renowned glass collection.

By Paula Reich.
© 2009 Toledo Museum of Art
*Copublished with Scala Publishers, Ltd., London, UK.
Paperback, 64 pages, 6 x 9 inches, 92 color plates. Floor plans.

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