Phil Gerstner - "Catsius Clay, Muhammad Ali-Cat" Mixed Media

Availability: In stock
"Catsius Clay, Muhammad Ali-Cat"
Mixed Media
21.5" H x 7.25" W x 15.75" D.

Phil Gerstner

My earliest art endeavors were portraits. After some years of doing those, I graduated to watercolors - first realism and then finally abstracts which I enjoyed more. When I began sterling jewelry making, I wondered why I had painted for so many years. I find as I grow older that I am looking for more fun and finding it in each new medium I try. Now I am having the most fun making sculptures who bring smiles and friendship to others.

To say I use found objects in my "foundlings" is a misnomer. I wish I did find things, but instead I buy things, often at an exorbitant price if I feel that a foundling gestating in my head needs an item for a body part to be the best person that he/she can be. As I wander around in antique malls, I keep an alert eye out for pieces that speak to me in some way as a body part or collect pieces with a theme. Even though bodies are planned and can be modified, heads are serendipitous. I never know what I am going to get.

I work on the heads and faces until, in the quiet of my work space, a voice comes out of the mouth to talk to me. If the voice is not distinct or garbled, I continue to work in the polymer clay until I get a clear conversation going with my creation. They tell me about themselves and how they got to be as they are. Unlike Prissy, I know sumpin' 'bout birthin' babies.

My sculptures develop personalities and have led lives of their own before they met me. They have a history that they share and are pleased that they are now visibly manifested so that others might see them, feel their souls, and hear their thoughts and expressions.

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