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Lindsay Scypta - "3 Lobbed Server" Ceramic Sculpture

Availability: In stock

"3 Lobbed Server"
Ceramic Sculpture
2.25" H x 14" W x 5.25" D

Lindsay Scypta - Toledo Artist

As an artist, potter and designer I am deeply interested in textile pattern, Victorian etiquette, architectural tracery, and the history of the table. I began my ceramics investigation in high school and continued into college, completing a BFA in Art & Design from the New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University. For two remarkable summers I immersed myself in the artist community at Anderson Ranch Art Center as a summer intern, filling my ceramic toolbox with techniques and tools. Finally after two years as an artist-in-residence at Ashland University, I arrived at The Ohio State University where I completed my MFA in ceramic art. I was blessed with the opportunity to follow my thesis research to England, where I visited the Wedgwood Museum,...
