"Golden Hour 4 Daisies"
Oil on Canvas Board Painting.
10" x 17 3/4".
Debra Buchanan: The Golden Hour Series
As an artist, I love to experiment. This series explores the luminous effects of a variety of metallic, interference, and iridescent paints.
When painting the Golden Hour series, I chose to use a special assortment of colors. Beginning with the gesso layer. I used Danielle Smith Metallic gold gesso. On several of the paintings since I used transparent and semi-transparent paints, you can see the application of the gesso which I used to create an underlying textural effect. I used metallic, iridescent, and interference colors with crystal white paints. Crystal white paint is made using ground glass in the tradition of the old masters. When viewed from various angles, you will see the color changes of the above-mentioned paints....