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Brenda Singletary - "The Tears of Women" Mixed Media Painting

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"The Tears of Women"
Mixed Media Painting
60" H x 48" W.

Brenda Singletary: Reflections of Spirit
Robert C. and Susan Savage Community Gallery
July 31 - October 20, 2024

Reflections of Spirit is an intimate solo exhibition featuring my collection of abstract paintings on canvas, each a poignant reflection of memories and personal journeys. Rooted in my heritage, culture, and life experiences, these artworks embody my evolving identity, shaped by the passage of time. They encapsulate memories passed down through generations.

Each piece in this collection conveys a spectrum of emotions, from profound loss to jubilant celebration. The paintings delve deep into the human spirit, employing a vibrant color palette to create abstract forms that seem to sway and soar across the canvas, framed by expanses of space that evoke a sense of openness and freedom.

More than just a personal narrative, this body of work invites viewers to explore their own emotions and perceptions. Through interactive experiences inviting viewers to create their own drawings, the exhibition fosters engagement with the audience.

This collection offers visual narratives of personal discoveries spanning from years past to today. Layers of materials intertwine to reveal hidden stories and unspoken truths reflecting the enduring scars of the Black community's history, stemming from slavery. My art seeks to honor the resilience, complexity, and beauty of humanity.

From their subject matter to the movement of color, these paintings exude the energy of self-discovery, generational memory, and the human spirit. My aim is to capture a shared experience that inspires and resonates deeply with all who encounter it.


Artist Brenda Singletary, a resident of Toledo, Ohio, received her BA from Morris Brown College in Atlanta, Georgia, and her MFA-IA at Goddard College in Plainfield, Vermont. She is originally from Detroit, Michigan, and is currently a resident artist at the Secor building in downtown Toledo.

Singletary's original works are mixed media, using acrylic, pastels, plastic and photography. The work ranges from figurative to abstract. Her dedication to community arts has created a unique artistic career centered on projects that support nonprofits. She has raised funds for organizations such as the March of Dimes, the United Way, 100 Black Women and 100 Black Men, the College Fund, the National Black MBA Association, and many others.

Singletary served two years as a panel judge for the President's Commission on White House Fellows. Her artwork hangs in the conference room of the White House Fellows Administration's office in Washington, DC. She exhibits in galleries and art centers nationally. Most recently, she exhibited her work at the Institute of the Humanities at the University of Michigan in Summer 2022.

Singletary received the Toledo Arts Commission's Acceleration Grant for 2022 and the Merit Award Grant in 2021. Her work is in the collections of AT&T, the Ford Foundation, McDonald's, Marriott, and Kaiser Permanente. She has been presented with the American Express Cultural Arts Award, the United Negro College Fund's Golden Sable Award, the HistoryMakers Award, the Daimler-Chrysler Motion through Expression Art Competition Award, and the Detroit Mack Alive Award.

Organized by the Toledo Museum of Art as part of the Robert C. and Susan Savage Community Gallery which operates as a catalyst of creativity, mentorship and opportunity while fostering mutually enriching relationships with local, regional, and national artists with an emphasis on community engagement.

All sales on original artwork are final. No discounts apply.

The exhibition ends on October 20th, 2024. Purchases may be picked up after this date. Please contact 419-255-8000 ext. 7326 to schedule an appointment for pickup.

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