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Lake Erie: Lynn Whitney

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Lake Erie: Lynn Whitney

Texts by George Bullerjahn, Nicholas Nixon, Robin Reisenfeld.
Designed by Emily Sheffer.
Hardcover, 11.5" x 9.5". 112 pages, 50 duotone illustrations.

For over a decade, large-format photographer Lynn Whitney has captured Lake Erie's Ohio shores. The beautifully rendered images contained in Lake Erie reveal a sense of diverse communities, changing landscapes, and deep histories of a place. Inspired by Frank Gohlke's work on Lake Erie, Whitney's distinct eye acts as a guide through this unique and imperiled landscape; her images ask what the chances are for our collective future and offer hope in the effort of noticing.

Included are photographer Nicholas Nixon's personal account of Whitney's practice, a cultural exploration by curator Robin Reisenfeld, and an essay by biologist George Bullerjahn, which chronicles the environmental and geological characteristics of the lake. As a collection, these photographs and texts are reminders of the past we share; of what we have done and continue to do to the lake and to each other.

From the text Undercurrents: Re-Envisioning Lake Erie by Robin Reisenfeld: Lynn Whitney's photographic series Lake Erie unfolds experientially- giving pictorial expression to the human activity, systems, and practices that have shaped the water's existence and our relationship to it. With an unerring eye, Whitney captures Lake Erie and its shoreline's stark and quiet beauty intertwined with the basin's industrial, commercial, and private development.

From the text Lake Erie, A Vast and Fragile Resource by George Bullerjahn: The Great Lakes harbor one fifth of the surface fresh water on Earth. Lake Erie, the shallowest of the lakes, has the highest population in its basin and is under continuous assault by the forces of human activity, invasive species, and climate change. The waters, seemingly endless, are an abundant, yet fragile resource. Fisheries, water quality, and coastlines are now drastically different following the displacement of indigenous peoples by European settlers.

From the text Witness by Nicholas Nixon: In Whitney's work we see scenes of past elegance, present industrial use, and small poignant events along the shoreline, a magic stage. Women in a car are as beautiful as a boy fishing, a large anonymous apartment building, turtle eggs in the grass, a picnic, a sensuous statue of Neptune, the shining horizon. She looks kindly and with elegance, but without judgment, letting us see for ourselves the connection between people and events in the light on the edge of the second smallest and most shallow of the Great Lakes.

Lynn Whitney is Associate Professor, emerita, at School of Art, Bowling Green State University, in Bowling Green, Ohio. Her photography explores the world, with landscapes being a prominent motif and addressing contemporary issues while aligning with the female. She has been exhibited widely, and her works are represented in the collections of the Toledo Museum of Art, Columbia College's Midwest Photographer's Project, Ohio Humanities Council, and Yale University.

Exhibition Lake Erie, Lakeside Chautauqua, Ohio, USA May 29 -June 30, 2023.

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